Thursday, January 6, 2011

1-5-11 a departure from dogs

When it's warmer outside, I like to fire up my jigsaw and cut up birch plywood to make layered, painted wood constructions. I've had a lot of fun with it - thinking it's my 'serious' art. I make organic shapes, soothing blues, greens, browns. Well, my daughter complains that I never use red, I never use bright colors, what about purple? So on a lark, I made a construction of a crazy mask with super bright colors that I never use. I haven't had that much fun creating a piece of work in years! Maybe she's on to something. Leave it to a kid to keep the fun in art :-)

Here it is:

So last night for my painting a day - I was pressed for time and decided to just have fun again. It's winter in NY, so cutting wood is out of the question outside. Also, like I said - I was seriously pressed for time. So I created a new mask 'portrait' this time as a mini mask construction out of bristol board and watercolor. Yup, it was lots of fun! So here is installment #5 of my painting a day:

This is a 'portrait' of my friend Ron. Looks like a fun guy, huh? LOL

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A sleepy mastiff 1-4-11

This one is from a stock photo by Karen Shaw. Don't know the dog's name, but he's a handsome fellow.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Gibson 1-3-11

Gibson is a cute black pug. I went a little more painterly and took license with the colors. Actually the photo came out more neutral - but there is some bright blue throughout. All in all, I think I like it. :-)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2 Little Miss Peanut

Well 2 days down, 363 to go! Really hard to settle down and start today, and it's only day 2! But once I started, it was awesome. I've been working on a watercolor of this dog, and have spent about 4 hours agonizing and still not liking it, and it's only half done. Well, in oil it came together in about 2 hours and I like is SO much better. That's it, I'm swearing off watercolors again. I just stink at it.

About this little dog. It is my mom's super-sized chihuahua. She didn't pay an extra 39 cents to super-size her either - she is a rescue pup. She was abandoned in her former owners house when they moved, left to starve. I wish I could write the laws to punish those people, but will have to trust it will come around and bite them in the end. Losers. Anyway, she is a super sweet girl. LOVES all food and that's it. She won't run, doesn't hardly bark, won't play. Really boring dog, but we all like her. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Painting 365 Starting NOW

My sweet puppy Diesel <3

Well today is New Years Day. Like many suckers, I am compelled to make a resolution. I almost always make it to lose weight (yeah, original I know) and also resolve to make more art. This year should be no different. In an effort to motivate myself and to have a measurable goal, I'm committing to making a painting a day. I know it will be hard with a full time job and kids and responsibilities and general inherent laziness, but I talk about loving to paint. I want to have my actions show it. Not just a few days a month, but every day to do SOMETHING. They won't always be detailed, and they won't always be the same style and genre. Some days it will be work (ack!). But to keep it lighthearted and fun – I want to treat it like a sketch book in paint on canvas. My parents were kind enough to get me a whack of 4x4 stretched canvas. It's the perfect size to do a quick sketch on, and really cute when finished. Ok, I admit it – I love miniatures. I'm super excited to see these as I progress through the year. It will be fun to put them all together, see how the subjects, styles and palette changes. I hope you'll follow this journey and send feedback and ideas along the way. I'm open to suggestions. 365 is a lot of days to fill! Posted above is installment #1. I hope you like it!